Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kauai girls!

Here are my ladies. It is fun to see them grow up and change. They each are very different in so many ways.
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Savannah-thanksgiving 08

Savannah picked out these pics she wanted to share on the blog. she has decided she wants to start sharing on our blog. I admit we have just totally let this go but I am committed to picking it up again so that I can have a journal for our family.
Savannah says, " We were at my cousins' house. It was a lot of fun and I had a really good time. This is me and my cousin Alex. She is my friend and I play with her a lot."

We had a good dinner and the kids made ginger bread houses afterwards which was fun. We have done that for many years now as a tradition during Thanksgiving. We had our dinner at Ness and Chris's house in Desert Hills, AZ. The weather was chilly for us. We had lion house rolls with rasberry butter. Yum Yum. Everything was good. I brought stuffed acorn squashes with wild rice and veggies, nuts. They were really good.

Ok we will slowly catch up and hope to write more regularly.
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