Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lynndyl living!

We had a great time at grandma's this summer. I forgot to get a picture of the garden. It was beautiful. Everyday, I would go out and pick a basket full of veggies to make a meal. I love GARDENS! I am envious and wish I had one....some day I will. Grandma's house is just the best. The feeling their is so inviting, warm and peaceful. I do wish I could live with Grandma!!!!
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Lavendar Fields

I absolutely feel in love with this farm and their gardens. I would have a garden in a minute! Hopefully some day...

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Young Living Farm

In Mona Utah is Young Living Farm. Young living essential oils are some of the best in the world. They have a farm here and we got to go and see the gardens and check out the lavendar fields. So picturesque! The only other lavendar farms this large are found in France! Lavendar is my favorite oil, along with peppermint and thieves. I use these oils on myself and family regularly. Lavendar is great on your feet for sleeping, peppermint on the temples for a headache, or on the abdomen for a tummy ache, and thieves on the feet to protect against colds and infection. We had a delicious lunch with lavendar lemonade and wolfberry cheesecake, how cool is that? Here is my mom, or affectionately known as Grandma Sandy! Savannah asked recently, "mom, how come we don't live with your mom? When I grow up, I want to live with grandma Sandy!" I told her, " I wish I could live with grandma sandy, it's just that when you grow up, you go and make a home with your husband!

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Great Grandparents Forshee

We had a great visit with Forshee great grandparents. We always try to stop by on our way in to or out of utah. They are always so good to us. They had a yummy breakfast spread for us to enjoy and selected a splash pad/park for the girls to let off some steam from the car ride. Grandpa was a chief warrant officer in the US Army and a Vietnam Vet. He also worked for Ratheon overseas for many years. They lived in Kuwait/Eygpt for over 14+ years (we are not sure on the years). Needless to say, they have traveled the world over and have settled nicely in to a great community in Utah. They enjoy retirement. Grandma is in to health and while grandpa loves bowling and is quite talented.

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Beloved auntie jamie, the one who gives the best wheelchair rides, knows what books kids like for christmas and gives cute ornaments each year! We stopped by to visit her apartment in Utah. She has such a way with kids. They love being around her. I am proud of her accomplishments and wish her well with the last leg of her social work education. I am excited she will graduate in social work, what a feat!

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Good Eats in Midway Utah

A new gourmet pizza place opened in Midway by the cabin. Great pizza! I had one with chicken, white sauce and Argula. Very tasty. I highly recommend the place. It is right down town Midway, across from the visitor center. Also, we found a new bakery in town that makes great cupcakes and cakes. If you did not know already, I am a self appointed "foodie". I love good food and will go to great lengths to get it! The bakery is on the corner you turn right to go to the cabin when downtown. We had a great time at the cabin. Just hung out mostly. The girls wishe some cousins were there. So did we! Maybe next year. I hope so. We went boating, had a BBQ, took tobey and aspen for walks and took some good naps. The sleeping is not so great at the cabin sometimes with the altitude changes so a little nap can be helpful. We appreciate Nana Mo and Papa dave for having the cabin for the family to use.
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Zoo in Utah 08

Nana Mo took us to the Zoo in Utah this summer. We also went with her daughter Lynnie and her children, Caden, Haley, Avery and Jake. The kids had a great tiem and then we had a sleep over at papa dave's house with Haley and Caden. The girls sure enjoyed getting to know more of their cousins. Each time we go to utah, they want to meet up with cousins and play. I had a great time in utah this summer. So nice to be with family and enjoy each other. What a nice pace too for a busy mom to have some down time.

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Straight haired girls

So Far we have two straight haired girls. Rebekah honestly looks like she could have some umph to her hair. I see some possible thicker, wavy curls maybe coming but her bangs are totally straight. Zara on the other hand is pretty much straight. I find it bizarre to work with her hair in comparison to the extreme curly locks of Ella and Savannah. Zara also has hazel eyes where the rest have blue. Ella and Rebekah have the bluest eyes, where as Savannah are a dark blue. Fun to see each of them grow up and change!
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just to explain a bit

Hi, I just blogged a ton of pics and you can see them archived on the right side. I must of done a month's worth of blogging tonight! I know everything is out of order and I have so many pics to update from the past but I will get there and they will not be in order. I just want to have them down somewhere to see for the girls later on. I am excited to have a way to share what is going on in our life and for the girls to remember. I am not much of a scrapbooker so this is the only way I will do anything. Can anyone tell me how I add favorite blogs I like to visit on to my direct blog?

Fun visit with Nana Cheryl/aunt Serela

Nana Cheryl and Auntie Serela took Ella and Savannah school shopping. They had a great time picking out lunch boxes, water bottles, back packs and school uniform clothes. Thanks to Nana for all the awesome clothes they are using every day. Also thanks for the cute jammies and shoes. See Ella and Nana have almost the same pair of shoes!

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Uncle Kody

Kauai's brother Kody came to visit this July. Of course the girls love him. They have a thing for guys who look like their dad! Rebekah was very calm around him and enjoyed it when he held her. We had a great visit with them. We are so glad they made the effort to come. Kauai's mom Cheryl and sister Serela came with Kody. Kody finishes up college this next May at Roanoke in Virginia and Serela is assistant water polo coach at UC Berkley in San Fran. Cheryl is a natropath in Annapolis Maryland.

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Special build a bear visit for the girls. Papa Dave and Nana Mo took the girls here to pick out a stuffed animal for their birthdays. They had such a great time. They love their new animals! Thanks Papa dave and Nana mo

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More of grandma's funeral

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I am so happy to have two parents that I am close to and have the chance to visit with. I do wish so much that we lived in the same state but they make a great effort to come down and we try to get up to utah. We had a great visit this summer which I still need to add some pics to my blog. Savannah asked one day, " Mom, how come we don't live with your mom? I want to live with her when I grow up. This way I could have two sets of parents!" She loves visiting utah and hanging out with any of her relatives, be it on my side or on Kauai's side. She enjoys all of her relatives and wishes she could see them more often.
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