Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can I do this blogging thing?

Hey, I hope this works. This is my first attempt at adding a post to my new blog. I am totally new at this blogging stuff but I guess you just aren't cool if you don't have a blog! No, I just thought I should journal what is going on with the family and share with our extended family and friends. This is our youngest, rebekah Mansur born 2/12/08 on my brother John's bday (how cool is that!). I hope to share some history and back archived pics to catch this family up to date. Look for more to come!


Jen said...

She is a doll!! I am so glad you are blogging.

The Mastr Piece said...

Hi Holly,

Your blog is great! The girls are beautiful. (Rebekah is SO cute - she looks just like a little Savannah!)

Thanks for sharing!
