Thursday, September 18, 2008

The missing blue scooter

Just wanted to share something that happened recently. Savannah left her blue razor scooter at the front door one day after a walk. I told her to bring it in the garage but she did not. That night I heard some noise, like the scooter was being moved. I opened the front door thinking Kauai was coming home and moving the scooter. I did not see him out front and heard the scooter noise off down a pathway by my house. I knew then that someone was stealing the scooter. I yelled out at them saying they must stop and bring the scooter back. "You are stealing and that is wrong, bring it back right now. I will go in the house and close the door so you can bring it back. Do the right thing." I said. Well, they never brought it back. I told Savannah and she cried. I then told her that we should pray for the person who stole it. Pray that they will feel bad and bring it back to us. Well, over the next week, we prayed for the person and the scooter. Six days after the incident, I decided to take a walk and felt I should walk by a park by our house. I was thinking on my way over about the scooter and how I was sad that savannah would not have it for our walks. Just as I rounded the corner to the park, I saw the blue scooter stashed in a bush by the park. I just about cried! Wow, what a blessing. I feel and know that this is a direct answer to our prayers. What a great thing to know that God answers our prayers!


Nate said...

Wow that is a cool story. We should have done the same thing I guess, but the thought didn't even cross my mind. Bristol had a big pink princess castle in our backyard (kind of like a play house) that was made out of big lego kind of things. Our backyard actually is more of a side yard in that it comes to the street by our driveway. It is fenced off but it didn't stop someone one night from coming in our backyard and stealing her castle. Luckily she is young enough that I don't think she had as much of an attachment to it as she would have if she were older, but still the thought that someone didn't care about stealing from a little child is really sad.

Jen said...

What a great story. I am glad it all turned out in the end. My kids leave their toys lying around all over our cul de sac. I keep waiting for something to be taken, but we have been lucky so far.

Matt & Amy said...

Awesome! What kind of goon steals a scooter, but what a great teaching lesson for Savannah about prayer. Thanks for sharing.

holly said...

thanks for all the great comments. I am such a slacker about getting back to look at my blog. I plan to do it more often.